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Showing posts from August, 2021

How to find OPTIONS method Enable Vulnerability

How to find OPTIONS method Enable Vulnerability Today we are going to Learn various techniques to find OPTIONS Method Enable in Web-Application. To find HTTP Protocol methods and the tools used to extract those available HTTP methods in a web server. The HTTP protocol comprises of a number of methods that can be utilized to not only gather the information from the Web server but can also perform specific actions on the Web server. These techniques and methods are helpful for web application developers in the deployment and testing stage of web applications. GET and POST is the most well-known methods that are used to access and submit the information provided by a web server, respectively. HTTP Protocol allows various other methods as well, like PUT, CONNECT, TRACE, HEAD, DELETE. These methods can be used for malicious purposes if the webserver is left misconfigured and hence poses a major security risk for the web application, as this could allow an attacker to modify the files stored