Redmi Note 10, Redmi Note 10 Pro Specification and Launch Date Xiaomi recently confirmed that it will take the wraps off the Redmi Note 10 series in early March. It didn’t share an official launch date at the time. But today, the company has announced that the Redmi Note 10 and Note 10 Pro will be unveiled on 4th March in India. This will mark the global debut of the Redmi Note 10 series. In an official tweet sent out by the Redmi India handle, Xiaomi announced that the Redmi Note 10 series “is all set for its global debut on 4/3/2021.” The teaser reveals nothing about the two upcoming phones but there seems to be a heavy focus on the camera. The ‘O’ for Note is a camera sensor, possibly a 108MP one. Xiaomi will unveil both 4G and 5G-enabled Redmi Note 10 devices in India. These will be the first Redmi Note devices to support 5G connectivity in the country. Specification Redmi Note 10 will have a 120Hz LCD display. It will be yet another first for the Redmi Note series in India. It w
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